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12 Best Tips for Finding a Technical Co-Founder / CTO

Jason Yeh & Jonathan Lee
April 22, 2022
How to find a technical co-founder / CTO for your startup

So much of investing is about evaluating team. Is this team capable of bringing a company to the promised land?  In the world of technology startups, getting to the promised land requires trudging through a lot of technical swampland building and iterating on product in the pursuit of product-market fit. 

No-code tools have helped non-technical founders get further on their own, but investors still prefer seeing a complementary co-founding team that includes someone who could ship product on their own…especially in the earliest days.

So, what is a non-technical, solo founder to do? How do you find a CTO for your startup?

Get to work. There is always very valuable work that can be done outside of building product. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking nothing can be done without building a product first. Ever heard of market research and customer development? 

Start recruiting.  Use the efforts from your market research and customer development to help attract technical talent to join you as a co-founder.  Of course, this is easier said than done so we went out to ask an important question to our community…

What is your best piece of advice for finding a technical co-founder / CTO? 

To help you with finding a CTO for your startup, we asked successful small business owners and startup founders this question for their best insights. From hiring through word of mouth to making sure your candidate has a team-first mentality, there are several tips that may help you find your ideal CTO in the future.

Here are twelve tips for finding a technical co-founder / CTO:

  • Make Sure They Have a Team-First Mentality
  • Build Something First!
  • Go Where the Makers Are
  • ​​Get Some Traction
  • Find the Balance of Technical / Functional / Interpersonal
  • Hire Through Word of Mouth
  • Vet For Prior Experience that Complements Your Startup
  • Search Within Your Personal Network
  • Attend as Many Tech Meetups as You Can
  • Partner With An Influential Person
  • Search For Your “Better Half”
  • Look for a Co-Founder Instead of a CTO
Alan Wilford, I Peep BXS

Make Sure They Have a Team-First Mentality

The most helpful and effective advice I can offer for finding a CTO is to keep in mind at all times that this person isn't going to be just a regular employee working for you. They will work with you along the journey and ensure the business's survival and success. Employees work for you while a technical co-founder will help you make decisions and find the best direction to head the business in for maximum results. So, when looking for a CTO, make sure that they have a team-first mentality rather than a solo approach for working patterns and decision-making. They should also share the vision and the ultimate goal you have in mind; you may conflict on deciding which path is best, but the destination should be one. The individual shouldn't just be qualified but also energetic and passionate about the business and its success as you. And lastly, their strengths and capabilities should cover your weaknesses and vice versa so that you both can support each other.

Brian McEuen, On Brand

Build Something First!

Whether it's a no-code/low-code solution or even just a community/following through social media, I think it's important that you've gotten your hands dirty and can clearly articulate the

problem/solution pair you are going after. If you can build something that even a few people like with duct-tape and cardboard (so to speak), I think a future CTO will be very impressed and more inclined to want to join your cause.

Joe Howard, Driftly

Go Where the Makers Are

My advice for finding a technical co-founder is to hang out in the online communities where indie makers and startup folks are. That could be bigger platforms like Twitter but I met [my co-founder] on Indie Hackers:

They have a whole Looking to Partner Up group:

A high percentage of these posts aren't interesting opportunities to me as a previously successful founder, but this one caught my eye. Well-written & concise post, quality website and product that solves a big problem in the SaaS world.

I reached out to him on Twitter and we chatted in the DMs there for a while getting to know each other. Mostly what I was looking for here was a strong connection. It was also important to make sure we were both on the same page when it came to not wanting to work ourselves to death and to not pursue raising funding.

Then we hopped on a call to meet each other. I made sure he gave me a walkthrough of the product and discussed the technical aspects of it so I could make sure I was confident he could handle all technical aspects of the business. We also just got along really well, which is super important for this kind of commitment.

We both took 48 hours to sleep on it and decided to give it a go!

Ann Young, Fix the Photo

Get Some Traction

To attract a technical co-founder to join your venture, you'll need to convince them that your idea has legs. Once you've done that, you can sell them on why they should be a part of it—and why they should work with you

on it. The first step is to show off how much traction your idea is already getting. Make sure you have a clear business plan and marketing strategy in place before approaching a potential co-founder, so that you can show the ways in which your idea has already demonstrated its potential for growth.

Then, convince them that you're the person to join up with. Demonstrate your commitment to the project, your knowledge of the hardware and software involved, and your industry connections. Make it clear how working together will benefit both of you, and what other areas of business are also covered by your expertise—and theirs!

Jeremy Ames, Hive Tech HR

Find the Balance of Technical / Functional / Interpersonal

Really take the time to evaluate what that ratio should look like. It's easy to assume that a co-founder / CTO should be heavily weighted on the technical side. However, if you're recruiting for your future, you'll realize that you'll need her/him to have the ability to lead and motivate future developers. And, you'll need her/him to develop a product that meets the end customers needs as much as it is technically sound. In fact, the act of code validation, testing, and some of the more hands-on technical roles can be fairly easily and cheaply sourced through the new gig economy even in the early days of the company. Once you find that ratio - and it could potentially be an equal 33% split, evaluate your candidates against it.

Janice Wald, Mostly Blogging

Hire Through Word of Mouth

The best way to find a Chief Technical Officer is through word of mouth. I used to get my CTOs through agencies like Upwork, but I experienced high turnover. My CTOs were talented but frequently stopped responding to my email requests for help. Once I started hiring CTOs through word of mouth, my CTOs lasted a long time. In fact, my current CTO has been with my business for years. When you are breaking into a new business venture, you have enough on your mind. You shouldn't have to keep replacing your CTOs. By asking other business contacts for recommendations, you stand a strong chance of keeping your CTO for years.

Larissa Pickens, Everfumed

Vet For Prior Experience that Complements Your Startup

A startup is very different from a well-established organization, and the best way for a startup founder to find a fitting technical co-founder or CTO is to look for the finer details in the information that reveals prior experience. Firstly, a worthy candidate’s technical and management experience should include startup experience. Moreover, this stint should match the stage at which your startup stands right now so that after the new leader jumps on board, the only thing left to do is begin implementing tried and tested solutions.

Katie Lyon, Allegiance Flag Supply

Search Within Your Personal Network

Look within your network to find a collaborative startup resource such as a CTO. My husband and I founded our company with one of our friends from grad school. He had already started a business with my husband, so we knew he would be a good fit for this new venture of ours. It's important to first look at who you know. If you can't find anyone within your network, you can always recruit in tech cities such as San Francisco, but I'd suggest first searching within your personal network of friends and acquaintances.

Demi Yilmaz,

Attend as Many Tech Meetups as You Can

Some of the best people that you will work with often come to you through a rich and diverse network of connections which is why it's important to attend as many networking events as you can. Hackathons and tech meetups are perfect examples of this and a great place to get started. Even if you don't find your CTO at a recently attended event, you may just stumble across the perfect person who can introduce you to the right fit.

Rachel Blank, Allara

Partner With An Influential Person

If you're breaking into a new venture, I would highly recommend partnering with someone who carries some clout in your industry. Speaking from personal experience, my company received a lot of positive attention when actress and activist Jaime King partnered with us. With aspirations of being the biggest company to provide all-inclusive virtual care to women with PCOS, this was a major win for us. Data shows that influences can be big adopters for market validation, so use that to your advantage.

Bradley Hall, Sonu Sleep

Search For Your “Better Half”

Finding your technical co-founder/CTO takes prior internal reflection. Know your strengths, weaknesses and what holes need to be filled in your business plans before setting off in search of a partner. This rule applies to the broader tech industry and can be used to find your ideal partner and CTO. What skills and qualities are you lacking? Search for the person that can be your "better half" in the sense that the two of you together make a strong and solid foundation for a startup.

Marc Bromhall, StorageBuddy

Look for a Co-Founder Instead of a CTO

This will better align the incentives and you'll be able to find a CTO who truly loves what they do, and isn't just there for the paycheck. A CTO is such an important role in any startup and so it's worth giving up a chunk of equity to find a real rockstar CTO.

Why is Finding the Right CTO so Important for your Startup?

Finding a CTO is crucial for any startup founder, especially when it comes to tech startups. They're the ones who bring the technical know-how and expertise to the table, helping to shape the company's product development and overall strategy. With a skilled CTO on board, you can ensure that your startup is built on a solid technological foundation, making it more likely to succeed in the long run.

Having a CTO on your team also means that you'll have someone who can effectively manage the technical aspects of your business. This allows the founder to focus on other areas, like marketing, sales, and fundraising, which are equally important for the growth and success of the startup. A CTO can also help attract and retain top talent, ensuring that your team is made up of skilled and dedicated individuals who share your vision and passion.

In the end, a CTO is an invaluable asset to any startup. They're the ones who help turn your ideas into reality and ensure that your technology is cutting-edge and competitive. So, it's super important for startup founders to invest time and effort in finding the right CTO, as their expertise and leadership can make all the difference in the success of your venture.

Qualities to Look For in a CTO

1. Technical Skills and Expertise

First and foremost, your technical co-founder or CTO should possess strong technical skills and expertise that align with your goals. They should be well-versed in the technologies and tools required to develop and maintain your product or service, such as programming languages, frameworks, and infrastructure. Make sure that their skillset complements your own, filling any gaps in your collective knowledge. This synergy will enable you to tackle complex technical challenges more effectively as a team.

2. Industry Experience

Having experience in the relevant industry is also crucial. Your technical co-founder or CTO should understand the unique challenges and opportunities within your sector, enabling them to develop solutions tailored to industry-specific problems. This experience can also help them identify potential pitfalls and opportunities for growth, providing valuable insights that can inform your business strategy. Their familiarity with industry standards and best practices will further contribute to the development of a high-quality product or service.

3. Communication and Collaboration

Effective communication and collaboration skills are essential for any technical co-founder or CTO. They should be able to work seamlessly with cross-functional teams, ensuring that everyone is on the same page and working towards common goals. This also includes the ability to translate complex technical concepts into language that non-technical team members can understand, fostering a collaborative environment where ideas and feedback can flow freely. Strong interpersonal skills will also help your technical co-founder or CTO build relationships with key stakeholders, such as investors and customers.

4. Adaptability and Versatility

The startup world is constantly evolving, so your technical co-founder or CTO should be adaptable and versatile. They must be able to pivot and adjust to changing market conditions, embracing new technologies and methodologies as needed. This flexibility can help your startup remain agile and responsive to emerging trends, ensuring that your product or service remains relevant and competitive. Additionally, a willingness to learn and grow professionally will enable your technical co-founder or CTO to stay ahead of the curve and continuously improve their skills.

5. Leadership and Management

A great technical co-founder or CTO should possess strong leadership and management skills. They should be able to motivate and inspire others to achieve goals, fostering a positive and productive work environment. This includes setting clear expectations, providing constructive feedback, and recognizing the accomplishments of team members. As your startup grows, your technical co-founder or CTO will need to effectively manage resources, such as time and budgets, and make critical decisions that impact your team and product development.

6. Creativity and Innovation

An innovative mindset is another valuable attribute for a technical co-founder or CTO. They should be able to generate new ideas and solutions, pushing the boundaries of what's possible within your industry. This creative approach can help your startup stand out from the competition and drive ongoing growth. Encourage a culture of experimentation and learning, where your technical co-founder or CTO can explore new technologies and approaches that could potentially benefit your business.

7. Reliability and Accountability

Reliability and accountability are essential qualities for any technical co-founder or CTO. They should be able to deliver on commitments and meet deadlines, ensuring that your startup remains on track and progresses according to plan. This sense of responsibility can help build trust and confidence within your team, creating a culture where everyone feels accountable for their work. By demonstrating their commitment to the success of your startup, your technical co-founder or CTO will set a strong example for the rest of your team.

8. Strategic and Analytical Thinking

Lastly, a strong technical co-founder or CTO should possess a strategic and analytical approach to decision-making. They should be able to make informed decisions based on data and market insights, helping to guide your startup towards success. This includes the ability to identify potential risks and opportunities, and to develop strategies for addressing them. By applying a data-driven approach, your technical co-founder or CTO can help optimize your product development process and make more informed decisions about resource allocation and prioritization.

Tips for Finding the Best-Fit CTO For Your Startup

Networking, Conferences, and Events

One of the most effective ways to meet potential co-founders is through networking, conferences, and events. These gatherings provide an opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals who share your passion for innovation and entrepreneurship. Attend industry-specific conferences and events to increase your chances of meeting potential co-founders with relevant expertise. Don't forget to follow up with connections made at these events, as building relationships is key to finding the right partner.

Online Platforms

Several online platforms, such as LinkedIn, AngelList, and CoFoundersLab, specialize in connecting startups with potential technical co-founders. These platforms provide an opportunity to browse through profiles of candidates, assess their skills and experience, and reach out to potential matches. Join relevant groups, participate in discussions, and showcase your startup's potential. Be proactive in reaching out to potential candidates and engaging in meaningful conversations to gauge their interest and suitability. Create a compelling profile that highlights your startup's vision and goals, as well as your own strengths and expertise, to attract the right candidates.

Hackathons and Coding Events

Attending hackathons and coding events can be an excellent way to find and assess technical talent in real-time. These events bring together developers, designers, and entrepreneurs to collaborate on projects and showcase their skills. By participating in or observing these events, you can gain insights into potential co-founders' technical abilities, problem-solving skills, and ability to work under pressure.

Tap into University Networks

Universities are breeding grounds for talent and innovation. Collaborating with students, graduates, and professors can offer a fresh perspective and a pool of potential CTO/technical co-founders. Establish connections with university entrepreneurship programs, attend career fairs, and explore alumni networks. Additionally, consider offering internships or mentoring opportunities to promising students who exhibit the technical prowess and entrepreneurial spirit you desire.

Startup Accelerators and Incubators

Joining a startup accelerator or incubator program can provide access to valuable resources, including mentorship, funding, and technical expertise. These programs often attract talented individuals looking to join or start a new venture, increasing your chances of finding a suitable co-founder. Additionally, the support and guidance provided by these programs can help you refine your business model and strategy, further increasing your startup's chances of success.

Seek Recommendations and Referrals

Word-of-mouth recommendations can be invaluable when searching for a CTO/technical co-founder. Reach out to your network, mentors, advisors, and industry professionals for suggestions. They may know someone who is a perfect fit or can introduce you to individuals who have the skills and expertise you require. Attend industry-specific events and make meaningful connections to expand your network further. Remember, trusted referrals often lead to fruitful partnerships.

Assessing Technical Skills and Fit

Before making a final decision, it's essential to thoroughly assess a potential co-founder's technical skills and fit with your startup. This can include coding challenges, reference checks, and personality assessments. By evaluating their technical abilities, problem-solving skills, and compatibility with your team and vision, you can ensure that you're making the best choice for your startup's future success.

Aligning on Values and Vision

It's crucial to find a co-founder who shares your passion, commitment, and vision for your startup. Aligning on values and long-term goals can help create a strong foundation for your partnership and ensure that you're working towards the same objectives. Seek out candidates who demonstrate enthusiasm for your startup's mission and a willingness to invest time and effort into its success.

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