TBC: The Importance And Fragility Of Credibility

By Jason Yeh
November 29, 2022
Listen on Apple Podcasts

TBC: The Importance And Fragility Of Credibility

<p id="">This is a fantastic episode covering one of the most important insights around fundraising</p><p>‍</p>

The key to creating a remarkable network and achieving a successful fundraise? Credibility.

In this episode, Jason Yeh talks about credibility - how important and fragile it is when you are a founder looking for your investors.

With everything uncertain in the startup and fundraising world, credibility is one of the few things investors predictably rely on.

Tune in with this episode and find out stories about credibility, its importance, and how you can safeguard it!


If you're looking for more fundraising content, grab my weekly newsletter packed full of strategies and insights around how to raise money: fundedpod.com/newsletter

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Episode Transcript

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