TBC: Putting Project Management First

By Jason Yeh
August 10, 2023
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TBC: Putting Project Management First

<p id="">This is a fantastic episode covering one of the most important insights around fundraising</p><p>‍</p>

Project management - an often overlooked and unsexy aspect of fundraising.

Contrary to the dramatic portrayals in movies, fundraising is essentially a series of repetitive and detailed tasks. While not brain surgery, these small actions demand attention and diligence.

While it might seem like project management is 'taking away' from more glamorous business pursuits it's actually the underpinnings that form the foundation for success.

Success in fundraising lies in effectively managing oneself and others throughout the process.

In this episode Jason discusses the importance of creating processes that set you up for success. If you tend to avoid project management, this ones for you.


If you're looking for more fundraising content, grab my weekly newsletter packed full of strategies and insights around how to raise money: fundedpod.com/newsletter

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Episode Transcript

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