TBC: How to Build Awareness as a Founder the Right Way

By Jason Yeh
October 10, 2024
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TBC: How to Build Awareness as a Founder the Right Way

In this episode, we dive into the concept of awareness for founders, focusing on how to effectively create it.

In this episode, we dive into the concept of awareness for founders, focusing on how to effectively create it.

We discuss different strategies to build visibility that feels genuine and impactful, rather than forced or overly targeted.

This episode serves as a reminder that it's all about positioning ourselves in a way that naturally draws in interest and makes us stand out for the right reasons.

This kind of awareness ultimately makes all the difference in how others perceive our business, especially when it matters most.

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Episode Transcript


Hey guys, welcome to another episode of the back channel and today's episode. I want to talk a little bit about this idea of awareness that I talk to a lot of founders about. So I'm often telling founders they need to work on awareness. They need investors to be. Aware of who they are aware of their company so that they can build comfort and excitement around possibly investing in you now. Some of the founders that you've probably heard of who have raised a lot of money and can raise money really quickly.

That usually is because they've developed a relationship and tons of awareness when. Within the ecosystem. So when they decided to go out and fundraise. [00:01:00] Investors know a little bit about them. Know some of their track record know how their current company is progressing. And it just shortens the process and the timeline around actually getting a company funded.

Now it's a little bit different if you're new to the game, if you're new to startups, if you're new to the ecosystem. So when I tell people work on awareness, share content, give people surface area. And content to react to so they can build that awareness. A lot of times founders make the mistake of being like, okay, I guess I'm going to create this material and content and post it just for investors. Trying to get in front of their faces. And while that is one of our goals,

We have to realize why certain types of awareness are really valuable and really powerful. And others might just feel, I don't know, thirsty.

[00:02:00] [00:03:00] So, what is it? Well, It's not that you want to create content for investors so that investors can see you. You want to create content? To drive awareness that shows you're a company that's actually growing and executing. So instead of writing content specifically for investors. write content to recruit new employees to put out. Credible content to make your future clients and prospects want to do business with you. Put out content that says you're actually growing and that your partners are recognizing you. So in other words, the content that you put out in order to build awareness, Should be perceived as something that you're doing for your business. Not for investors.

If you can do that, you will create the right type of awareness for investors. Something that they stumble across within social media, something [00:04:00] that gets sent to them by other trusted parties. And when they see it, they'll say to themselves, Wow. That company is actually growing. Wow. That company is actually innovating.

That company is actually hiring the best talent. Wow. That's a company that I want to meet. Okay. So build awareness, but do it in the right way. Do it in the smart way. Do it the way a company who's growing and making the right moves would actually do it. Okay, so hopefully that's helpful.

I'll see you guys next time on the back channel.

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